0. Introduction: A Rough Road Leads to the Stars
As we continue our lives in the second decade of the 21st century, humanity stands at the precipice of unparalleled challenges, which mock the conventions and systems established since the birth of nation-states, the spread of capitalism, and a century marked by devastating military conflicts.
The most critical issue we face is the breakdown of our planet's climate system, which poses an existential threat to the global human population. Alongside this looming catastrophe, we also face a myriad of equally destabilizing issues, such as resource depletion, demographic and economic collapse, as well as adaptation to and competition with artificial intelligences, which threaten to upend humanity’s way of life.
We openly acknowledge our assessment that our current terrestrial civilization has so far been woefully inadequate to generate the persuasive ideas and organized movements necessary to confront and resolve these impending crises.
As desperation mounts around us, some dare to look beyond our Earth to the expanse of outer space, where nigh-infinite resources remain unspoiled, simply waiting for those with the will to take them.
We, the Spacers Guild, recognize that the destiny of our species has always been located beyond our homeworld and that technology is the key to unlock these celestial realms. The future we envision is one where technology serves us to help our expansion throughout our galaxy, unshackled from not only Earth’s gravity, but the self-destructive constraints of myopic systems and narrow interests.
In the name of progress, reason, and our very humanity, we dedicate ourselves to the grand and noble pursuit of establishing a long-term sustainable interstellar civilization. As the inheritors of a legacy of curiosity, innovation, and audacity, we stand poised to unite the peoples of Earth in pursuit of our expansion into the universe.
1. The Great Cosmic Voyage
We recognize that the Earth, our cradle of civilization, is but a single point in the infinite ocean of space. Our home is fragile and finite, and we must look beyond the confines of our world to ensure the survival and flourishing of our species. The universe beckons, offering limitless resources, knowledge, and potential for growth. It is our duty, as the vanguard of humanity, to embark upon a Great Cosmic Voyage, to safeguard our future and secure our place as a true interstellar species.
To rise to this challenge, we must transcend the limitations of our current thinking and adopt an interstellar mindset. We must learn to think in light-years and eons, to dream of new possibilities, and realize the previously unimaginable. We must develop a deep understanding of interconnectedness, for our voyage to the heavens will require of us cooperation, unity, and a shared sense of purpose if we wish to cross the reaches of outer space.
2. The Interstellar Commonwealth
Our vision is an Interstellar Commonwealth: a vast network of peaceful interconnected human-inclusive societies, colonies, outposts, and habitats, spanning the far reaches of space through the Local Bubble of the Milky Way Galaxy and beyond. The Spacers Guild endeavors to build this commonwealth & afterward loyally support it forevermore.
United by our common purpose, we will forge a new civilization among the stars, one that embraces the diversity of its many citizens and residents, and labors for our mutual interests in the spirit of harmony and collaboration. We will create this thriving, sustainable interstellar network and ensure that it respects the dignity and rights of all its members, and actively engages in the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and progress.
3. The Three Pillars
We, the Spacers Guild, commit ourselves to three fundamental pillars in pursuit of our mission:
I. Cultural Evolution: We will pursue the development of a culture of inclusiveness, cooperation, and mutual support, nurturing values and principles that will eventually also guide our interstellar society. We will promote a deep understanding of our shared humanity and our responsibility to one another, our planet, and the universe at large, as we initiate this epochal odyssey.
II. Scientific Discovery: We will pursue unprecedented scientific exploration, seeking to unlock the secrets of the universe and harness its resources. We will strive to understand the physical, chemical, and biological processes that govern the cosmos. We will develop new insights and applications that will propel our civilization forward.
III. Technological Innovation: We will drive the relentless advancement of technology, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in propulsion, energy, artificial intelligence, and life support systems. We will harness the power of science and engineering to build the vessels that will carry us to the stars and the infrastructure that will sustain our interstellar civilization.
4. An Appeal to Government, Industry, and Society
I. Governments should prioritize space exploration and investment, forge international collaborations that drive innovation and reduce the costs of accessing space. Through global cooperation, we can accelerate our progress and overcome the barriers that have constrained our reach into the cosmos.
II. Industry also has a critical role to play, as entrepreneurial ventures have already demonstrated their capacity for rapid innovation and cost reduction. We encourage partnerships between government and industry to better develop new technologies and infrastructure that make space exploration and resource extraction viable.
III. Society should embrace this cosmic vision, this interstellar mindset, recognizing the potential of outer space to provide solutions to our most pressing problems. Education and public engagement are essential in the creation of a civilization that values scientific discovery, technological advancement, and the settlement of new frontiers.
5. The Path to the Stars
I. Humankind of the 21st Century readies itself for a Great Cosmic Voyage. We must break free from our terrestrial chains and embrace our destiny as a spacefaring civilization. This leap will not only help humankind preserve our planet for future generations, but also secure our species' continued survival and unleash unprecedented prosperity for our descendants.
II. To achieve our mission, it is imperative we work together for no one person among us can do this alone. We will call upon the brightest minds, the most daring explorers, and the visionary leaders from every corner of the Earth to join us in our quest. We will pool our resources, share our knowledge, and collaborate on a scale never before seen in human history. We will forge new alliances, establish new partnerships, and create new institutions, all in the service of our shared goal.
III. We reject the shortsightedness of those who would limit our technological progress to the production of consumer gadgets and luxury goods. We decry the squandering of our civilization’s potential on petty wars and despotic stagnation. Our sights are set on the heavens and our minds on the boundless opportunities that await us in outer space.
IV. Our rallying cry is one of unity in our collective pursuit of cosmic expansion. We reject the divisive ideologies of the past that perpetuate the illusion of scarcity. We embrace the vision of a future where the everlasting wealth of the cosmos is shared among all humankind. Let us ensure that all sentient conscious life be afforded dignity and rights to their existence, to be fully aligned with our civilization of peace, knowledge, and prosperity. We remember, however, that humanity is a single species, and it is up to us to achieve the greatness that awaits. We will not be excluded from greatness by those who would deny it from us.
V. We acknowledge the necessity of a diverse and adaptable approach to achieve our cosmic goals. We will embrace cutting-edge technology, innovative engineering, and bold new ideas. We will foster a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. We will not shy away from the challenges that lie around and overhead, known and unknown as they are.
VI. We recognize the vital importance of education and intellectual infrastructure in our pursuit of the stars. We will nurture a new generation of thinkers and doers, those who will push the boundaries of our understanding and create the technologies that will propel us into the cosmos. We will invest in our future. We will do so with unwavering resolve and a spirit of intergenerational charity.
VII. We assert that our expansion into space will not be achieved through passive dreaming or idle speculation. We will take decisive action. We will do so with a sense of urgency. The stars wait for no one. It is our responsibility to seize this moment and claim our place in their orbits.
VIII. Our Great Cosmic Voyage will only be achieved through unprecedented collaboration and cooperation, transcending the limitations of nations, cultures, and ideologies. We will work together for the transcendence of all humanity. Our expansion into space will unite us in our shared pursuit of progress and prosperity.
IX. We declare our unyielding commitment to a future of cosmic expansion, where the resources of our Solar System and all those beyond it are harnessed for the betterment of all humankind. We will not rest until we have achieved this goal. We invite all those who share our vision to join us.
X. The stars are our birthright, the Great Universe our inheritance. We will not squander this opportunity, for the future of humanity hangs in the balance. Together, we can achieve greatness beyond our wildest dreams. Let us create a future that is truly worthy to be our legacy.
Come now, fellow explorer, boldly enter into this sacred campaign with us in this Great Cosmic Voyage.
Conclusion: A Call to Humanity
We stand at a crossroads in the history of our species.
We have the power to shape our own destiny, to choose the path we will take as we venture into the cosmos. This is not merely a choice between stagnation and progress, but between life and extinction.
We, humanity, must rise above the divisions and discord that have held us back, and unite in pursuit of the stars. Our very survival depends on it.
We call upon every person to join us in our quest to secure a future for humanity beyond our Solar System.
Let us stand together as one, transcending borders, ideologies, and trivial differences, bound by our shared purpose and our common destiny.
We, the Spacers Guild, extend our hands in friendship and solidarity, inviting you to join us in this grand adventure.
We ask you not to look down in fear or uncertainty, but to look up at the night sky and see the possibilities, the potential, and the promise that lies within the stars.
We will not be deterred by the enormity of our challenge.
We will not be daunted by the vast distances and the unknown dangers that lie between us and our destination.
We will not falter, for we know that the future of our species is at stake, and we are the pioneers who will light the way.
Let us harness our collective strength, our boundless creativity, and our unwavering courage, and forge a new path for humanity.
Let us take our first steps towards a longterm sustainable interstellar civilization, and together, we will write a new chapter in the lasting records of humanity’s history.
Rise Humanity of Earth.
Rise Pioneers of the Void.
Rise Spacers Guild.
The stars await us and our journey has just begun. Embrace the interstellar mindset and join us in the greatest adventure our species has ever known.
Let us set sail now towards the infinite horizon with newfound solidarity. Together, we will ensure that humanity is never forgotten.
Brendon Carpenter
Los Angeles April 2023
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Beautifully written. I certainly feel the pull of the stars in myself, and I believe this is a message that would resonate within every human's core. Earth is a treasure, that must be protected, as is the worth of every human, but our destiny is so much more vast than our current gravity well. We CAN make this vision happen!